Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Garden Update May 2012

It's MAY!! :-D ..... That means the begining of harvest!

The garden is growing in leaps and bounds. It seems like everything is earlier this year here, maybe due to our warm, wet, winter.
So, without further adeiu, Today's Harvest- May 1, 2012:
Herbs: Parsley, Basil, Epazote
                        Greens!: Lettuce {Spring Mix}, Spinach, Acelga

For now, I am only getting greens, and herbs. Next week I will be adding Zucchini, Burgandy Beans, Peas, Carrots, and Beets to the harvest. Woo Hoo!!
I will take some photos of the garden today, but I was waiting until I got a handle on the weeds.... you would be shocked by how bad it was :-O  .... but the tiller is back up and running- and after hours and Hours, and HOURS in the garden, blisters, sunburns, and grubby fingernails...it is almost under control.... for now :-D

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